Principal’s Report
Welcome Back!
I would like to welcome new and returning students and their families to our school for 2025. It has been fabulous to see our students looking very smart in their school uniforms and ready for learning. Thank you to families for making this happen.
The start of the school year has been very busy with school staff engaging in professional learning in the first three days prior to students returning. Staff have completed training in Restorative Practices, Mandatory Reporting and Safeguarding, and Qualiteach Modules in Reading. This learning supports our day-to-day operations and will also be beneficial to meeting targets aligned with the school’s improvement plan.
Over the holiday period, several projects have been completed. One such project is the continuation to improve our physical learning environment. During 2023, staff worked with several agencies to research and learn about contemporary learning environments to support students. This resulted in fitting out two Year 5/6 classrooms with new furniture in 2024, and in 2025 we have added another Year 5/6 class and three Year 3/4 classes. We have created flexible classrooms, with new student desks, mobile furniture including soft furnishings and a mix of high and low tables for students to work at. This will support teachers and students to learn in whole and small groups and as individuals with an emphasis on differentiation for student’s needs. We hope students enjoy their new look classrooms.
In other works completed, ECE classrooms have all been painted, an internal glass sliding door has been installed between 1/2B and 3/4A, and the refurbishment of a staff toilet in the administration building. These improvements all help to create an inviting environment for students and staff to work and learn in. Thank you to Mrs Katrina Hillier for her ongoing support of the school vision and for her coordination and leadership of these projects.
DECYP Strategic Plan 2024-2030
The Department has developed a Strategic Plan (2024-2030) which fosters a shared vision for children and young people in Tasmania and provides strategic direction for our department. Our Strategic Plan is a guide for planning, making decisions and working together to achieve better outcomes for children and young people in Tasmania.
The School and Department values are Connection, Courage, Growth, Respect and Responsibility. These values are what our Department’s culture is built on. We endeavour to live our values and bring them to life through our everyday actions. They help us to ensure every child and young person in Tasmania has a bright life and positive future. Our values were created by talking to children and young people and our staff across the state.
Courage – Accepting challenges and embracing opportunities.
Growth – Aspiring to learn, and improving even when it is tough.
Respect – Caring for ourselves, each other, and our environment.
Responsibility – Stepping up and doing what is right.
Connection – Building positives relationships and a sense of belonging.
2025 School Improvement Plan
Our school Improvement Plan will continue with the priorities of 2024 – this algins with the Department’s priorities of Reading, Attendance, and Safeguarding.
Priority 1 – to progressively implement a structured, evidence-based, and systematic approach to teaching reading, as well as an ongoing focus on a multi-tiered system of support to improve literacy outcomes for all students.
Priority 2 – to develop and implement a whole school approach to improve student resilience and wellbeing.
School Uniform
Thank you to families for ensuring that your child/ren are wearing correct school uniform.
Please note our colours are NAVY/GREY Shorts/Pants/Trackpants (no bike shorts), GOLD Polo Shirt, ROYAL BLUE Windcheater. A full list of uniform items is available to view through the Qkr! App or on the School Website. Hoodies and other non-school uniform items with logos are not permitted to be worn at school. Please contact the school if you are having difficulty purchasing uniform.
A copy of the School Uniform Policy is also available through the website or from the office.
Road Safety - School Crossing (Grubb St)
Students and families are reminded to cross the road out the front of the school via the school crossing. Several students and their families are choosing to cross the road in front of the buses and on the brow of the hill on Grubb St. This is very dangerous – buses are unable to see children moving between the buses, and cars moving past won’t have time to stop if a child runs out onto the road. Please encourage and model to your child the correct and safe places to cross the road.
Students on bikes/scooters need wear a helmet. Research shows that wearing a helmet reduces the risk of head injury by up to 74 percent. It is important to wear a helmet whether in the street, in the driveway, a paved area, or on a footpath. Police can stop bike and scooter riders and issue a fine or a warning for not wearing an approved helmet.
School Hours
Students can arrive at school from 8.30AM onwards ready for a 9.00AM start. There is NO supervision at school prior to this time. Breakfast Club commences at 8.30AM. Students should leave the school grounds promptly after 3PM.
Lesson times:
Block 1: 9-11AM
Recess: 11-11.30AM
Block 2: 11.30-12.55PM
Lunch: 12.55-1.35PM
Block 3: 1.35-3PM
School Staff
It is pleasing to welcome new staff members to Beaconsfield Primary School. We hope that you enjoy working at Beaconsfield as much as we do!
- Mrs Shelley Batt – Teaching Year 3/4C
- Mrs Tiffany Towns – Teacher Assistant
- Mrs Mandy Kaur – Educational Facility Attendant
Please see our teaching teams below. If you have any concerns through out the year, please see your child’s class teacher in the first instance.
LiL and Kindergarten – Mrs Mel Guy
Prep – Mrs Jen Barnett and Mrs Tahlia Ross
Prep/1 – Mrs Annette Taylor and Miss Belinda Fisher
1/2A – Mrs Sam Nankivell and Mrs Coby Gore
1/2B – Mrs Sophia Evans
3/4A – Mrs Karen Dawber
3/4B – Miss Bonnie Cooper
3/4C – Mrs Shelley Batt
5/6A – Mrs Lauren Evans
5/6B – Mr Clint Turnbull
5/6C – Mr Luke James
Music – Ms Joy Coates
HPE – Mrs Hannah Shaw-Johnston, Mrs Coby Gore, Mrs Daisy Stephens
Literacy Support – Ms Belinda Robertson
Teacher Assistants – Ms Vanessa Penney, Mrs Bronwyn Cruse, Mrs Narelle Carr, Mrs Nicole Smith, Mrs Lorena Horder, Mrs Julie Freestone, Mrs Sherree Harris, Mrs Tiffany Towns.
Library Technician – Mrs Jo Stevens
ASTs – Mrs Tahlia Ross and Mrs Cheryl Broomhall
Instructional Specialist – Mrs Cheryl Broomhall
Assistant Principal – Mr Shaun Sexton
Principal – Mrs Daisy Stephens
Professional Support Staff
Psychologist – Annie Morton
Social Worker – Abby Woodland
Speech Pathologist – Amy Mizzi
School Health Nurse – Jen Erb
Chaplain – Linda Pasfield
Validation Forms
Please return your validation forms to the office as soon as possible so we can update your information on our records.
If your child has a high-level medical condition which the school is unaware of, can you please make contact as a matter of urgency to share this information.
All high-level medical action plans e.g asthma, allergies, anaphylaxis MUST be updated every year. Please ensure your child’s medical action plans are current and a copy has been provided to the school office.
Important Information Pack
Students should have received an envelope in the first week of school containing important information including permissions for Major and Minor Excursions and Information Computer and Technology Agreements. These documents need to be completed as soon as possible and returned to the classroom teacher or school office. Please contact the school office should you require additional information.
Nut Awareness
We have students in our school who have high level allergies to nuts which can trigger anaphylactic reactions, leading to the need for medication, ambulance, and hospitalisation. We ask parents, carers, and students to be mindful of this situation when bringing food to school and avoid products containing nuts.
Foods which should NOT be brought to school include:
- Peanut butter
- Nutella or hazelnut spread
- Biscuits or cakes with nuts in them
- Muesli bars with nuts
- Chocolate containing nuts
- Dried fruit and nut mixes
Swimming and Water Safety Program Year 3, 4, 5 and selected 6s
The SWSP will be held in Week 4 and 5, from 24 February – 7 March. This is a mandatory program, funded by the Department. All children in Year 3-5 are required to attend. Students will complete part of the Swimming Program here at Beaconsfield Primary School Pool and travel by bus to Launceston Church Grammar School Pool for their deep-water skills. Additional details have been provided to families of student involved last week. Students MUST have returned their Major Excursion and Aquatic Permissions Form to attend this program. These were sent home in the information packs in the first week of school.
School Association Meeting/AGM - 19 March 2025
The School Association is an important part of the school working with the Principal to achieve shared outcomes for learners attending the school and for the benefit of the whole school community. The purpose of the School Association is to provide members with a way to participate and support the school.
The School Association meets on a termly basis throughout the school year. It comprises of parents, community and staff members. There is an elected committee that work together for the benefit of the school.
Beaconsfield Primary thanks past and outgoing members for their service to the school.
There are 4 parent/community member vacancies on the School Association Committee. If you would like to be part of the committee, please complete the attached form (or collect one from the office), and return to the school office. Nominations for these vacancies close on Friday 14 March 2025. If there are more nominations than vacancies, elections will be held on Wednesday 19 March 3.15pm.
The AGM will be held on Wednesday 19 March at 3.15pm, followed by a General Meeting at approx. 3.30pm.
Mrs Daisy Stephens
NAPLAN 2025 (Year 3 and 5)
Students will be sitting NAPLAN between 12 and 24 March 2025.
The National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students are already learning at school. On its own, NAPLAN is not a test that can be studied for, and students are not expected to do so.
NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process – it does not replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance; however, students and parents may use individual results to discuss progress with teachers.
Why NAPLAN is conducted online
NAPLAN online provides a better assessment and more precise results.
One of the main benefits of NAPLAN online is that it uses tailored (or adaptive) testing. The questions a student receives depends on their answers to previous questions. This means that students answer questions better suited to their abilities, so they can show what they know and can do.
Online testing also allows us to provide a wide range of accessibility options to support students with disability to access NAPLAN.
Feedback from students is that they find the online test more engaging. Please note that students in Year 3 complete the Writing Test on paper.
Students in Year 3 and 5 will receive an information flyer with further details about NAPLAN.
Every School Day Matters
Welcome back for another school year – we’re excited for what’s ahead! Start the year right by making every school day count. There are lots of things you can do to set your child up for success:
Make sure your child goes to school, every day
Going to school every day gives your child every chance to learn and grow and connect with their mates and teachers. It’s where bright futures start and where they’ll benefit the most.
Get them excited for school
If you show a positive attitude and excitement towards school, your child will pick up on that.
The most common thing we hear from students, of all ages, is that school is where they can:
- spend time with their friends and teachers
- create new and fun experiences
- find their interests
- learn new things
- open up their options – for whatever future they want (whether that’s their dream job or to travel around the world).
Share these positives with your child.
Talk to your child about school
Open up a conversation with your child about what’s happening at school. It will help you to better support their interests and confidence in learning. If you show an interest in school, they’ll know that getting an education is important and valued.
Celebrate the milestones
Big and small! Celebrate milestones such as making it through the first day or week of school. And remember: all milestones look different. If it’s a big achievement for your child, it’s important to recognise it.
Set up a time to talk to your child’s teacher
If you’re struggling to get your child to school, help is available. Please talk to us at school about your situation. We’ll support you, in whatever way we can.
Know when to seek help
There is no weakness in admitting you need help. If your child has completely disengaged with school, and not attending at all, there is support to help you. In the first instance, talk to us at school. For more helpful tips, please check out the Anything can happen Anything can happen - Department for Education, Children and Young People
School Chaplain Profile
Hello! I'm Linda Pasfield, and I am excited to embark on another year at Beaconsfield Primary School as your Chaplain. With three decades of experience in my own wedding and portrait photography business, alongside my role as a well-being and support person for City Mission Launceston, I have cultivated a strong foundation in providing support to others. Additionally, I have had the pleasure of mentoring students at our local high school, where I discovered immense joy in uplifting and guiding them.
During my time at Beaconsfield Primary School last term, I focused on nurturing the social, emotional, and mental well-being of our students and the wider school community. My goal is to help students thrive both academically and personally, fostering their personal and social development.
If you believe your child could benefit from support in any of these areas, please feel free to discuss it with your child's teacher, who can provide you with a Chaplaincy Consent Form.
I consider it a privilege to serve as your school chaplain and would love the opportunity to connect with you. Don't hesitate to come by and say hello or reach out via email. I am present at Beaconsfield Primary School on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can reach me at